Steps to Declutter Your Home

Decluttering your home can seem like an overwhelming task. It's hard to know where to start when there is clutter everywhere, from mail and grocery ads to random batteries that migrate to your kitchen counter.

Thankfully, there are some tips to help you declutter your home effectively. The key is to make a plan and break it down into bite-sized chunks.

Start with the Big Stuff

Decluttering can feel like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be Cumming Junk Removal will help you, they stand prepared and enthusiastic to undertake the demanding task of liberating your living space or property from the clutches of clutter and debris, granting you the luxury to unwind and relish your leisure time while we manage the less glamorous aspects of the job.  The key is to take it one room at a time, or even just one section of a room (like your kitchen cabinets) at a time. Organize your space by making a decluttering checklist and focusing on each area until it is completely clean and organized. It’s also helpful to keep a few large bins and storage containers in your home, especially for items that you are either donating, selling, or throwing away.

Start by picking an area that requires relatively easy decisions, such as the bathroom medicine cabinet or a junk drawer. Then, go through the items and toss anything that’s clearly trash, broken, or worn out. Next, make piles of things you intend to sell or donate and items that you want to keep. Finally, organize the keepers by putting them in a designated spot where they belong, such as a dresser or closet.

Once you’ve gotten rid of all the obvious clutter, tackle areas that require more significant decisions. For example, if you tend to just dump your keys and wallet on the entryway console, consider changing that habit by installing hooks or a catch-all tray for quick access. Similarly, if you’re prone to piling clothes on the chair in your bedroom, invest in a few coat racks or hanging baskets for ease of mind and to maintain a clean look.

You can always come back to the more difficult areas later, but tackling them at the end of each week will help you stay on top of the mess and save you some major headaches down the road. Plus, it will give you a sense of accomplishment as you tick each area off your list.

To make the process more fun, you can play your favorite music while you work or invite friends over to help! You can even set rewards for yourself, such as watching your favorite movie once the linen closet is clean. Just remember to take your time and be proud of the progress you’re making.

Make a List

It’s important to be clear on your goals for decluttering. It will help you stay motivated and make the most of your time and energy. Spend a few minutes writing down your end goals for each room in your home, how you want each space to feel and function, and why. You can even create a decluttering checklist to make it easier to complete each task. This will give you a more detailed, targeted approach to each space and will prevent you from getting overwhelmed.

Once you’ve created your list, it’s time to start. You may need to do all of the tasks on your list in one weekend or over a month, depending on how much stuff you have and what kind of schedule you have available. If you’re going to tackle everything at once, it’s still best to focus on contained spaces like drawers, cupboards or nooks instead of entire rooms. Also, be sure to photograph any areas you’re working on so that you can see the difference and provide yourself with a sense of accomplishment once it’s finished.

When you’re deciding what to keep, donate, gift or sell, try to place items in their proper categories on the day that you declutter them. This will stop you from second-guessing your decisions later. For example, rather than putting all of your cosmetics in the trash, consider donating them to a local charity shop (if they’re still within date). It’ll give them a new life and save you the cost and hassle of throwing them away.

The same goes for books and magazines – don’t just toss them, take the time to find a home for them with someone who will enjoy reading them. This will save you from re-buying them in the future and it will free up space on your shelves to add more of what you love.

Clutter is something that will return as quickly as it’s gone, so it’s essential to take steps to control the flow of new items into your home. This could mean looking at how you shop, what gifts you give and receiving things from friends and family, or how often you replace items in your home.

Get Organized

Decluttering and getting organized are important steps in improving your life. However, a clean home is only useful if you can find the things that you need. That’s why it’s essential to keep items in their proper places and not to pile more stuff on top of what you already have.

If you’re having trouble keeping your house organized, try changing up your routines and habits. For example, if you often leave clothes and accessories on a chair in your bedroom or hang items from the shower curtain rod, consider moving those items to a coat rack instead. This simple change will help your home stay more organized, and you won’t have to search through piles of clutter to get the things you need.

Another good decluttering tip is to use the “three piles” rule: a keep, donate and trash pile. Sort items into these categories as you go through the rooms in your home. Be sure to create subcategories within each category as needed, such as a “keep but needing repair” or a “needs mending” pile. By separating these items, you can make more informed decisions about what to keep or throw away.

It’s also a good idea to take before and after photos of each room you’re decluttering. This will help you see the progress you’ve made and motivate you to continue decluttering your home. If you’re a visual person, these photos will also serve as a reminder of the difference a clean space can make in your life.

Keeping your home decluttered and organized will make it easier to live a stress-free lifestyle. It will also reduce the chances of your family members or pets creating additional mess around your home. If you don’t have time to tackle a full room-by-room decluttering project, try taking small steps each week to keep your home clean and tidy. Even cleaning out a drawer or box of belongings can be a good start. And don’t forget to donate or sell items you no longer need so they can be used by someone else!

Donate or Sell

It can be tempting to sell items that you no longer need or use, especially if you could potentially make a little bit of money on them. However, donating instead of selling can be more beneficial to both you and the people who receive your unwanted possessions. It can be very difficult to let go of things that have sentimental value, but remembering the people who will benefit from your donations can help ease that process.

Additionally, keeping in mind that you most likely won’t recoup the amount of money that you spent on an item can help you focus less on making money and more on decluttering your home. If you do decide to try and sell some of your items, be sure to price them fairly. If you’re not sure what to price them at, do a quick search online for similar items to see how much they have sold for previously.

Finally, be sure to set a deadline for attempting to sell your items. This will prevent you from having things sitting around your house for too long while you wait to see if they sell, which can lead to second-guessing your decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of.

Similarly, it’s important to be mindful of the items you bring into your home after you’ve completed a decluttering project. Practice the “one in, one out” method if possible, and be mindful of any impulse purchases you might make while shopping.

If you’re unsure about what to do with certain items and they don’t meet either the selling or donating standards, you may need to resort to tossing them. Alternatively, you can use a ‘maybe’ box for items that you’re not sure about. Put a date on the box, and any item that isn’t in the box by the time of the designated donate by date will be automatically donated!

Although decluttering can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, it’s a worthwhile endeavor. By following the tips listed above, you can successfully create a more organized and stress-free space for yourself!

Decluttering your home can seem like an overwhelming task. It's hard to know where to start when there is clutter everywhere, from mail and grocery ads to random batteries that migrate to your kitchen counter. Thankfully, there are some tips to help you declutter your home effectively. The key is to make a plan and…